Religious Education Program (RE) or (CFP) for Elementary and Middle School Children
The mission of the Religious Education program for children at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church is to partner with parents in the work that they have started at home. One of the greatest gifts parents give their children, is their Catholic Faith. Our goal is to work alongside with parents, the “first catechists,” as they continue to foster their children’s love of the Catholic faith. It does not stop when they receive the Sacrament of Baptism. It continues with growth in the knowledge of their faith, therefore children should participate in RE classes starting in PreK all the way through High School.
At St. Charles Borromeo, First Communion is usually celebrated in the spring. In order for a child to receive his/her First Communion, they have to prepare for a minimum of two years. Children can start preparing during their 1st grade year and normally receive the sacrament during their 2nd grade year. We have many older children who have not yet received First Communion, and we prepare them for two years as well. Children enrolled at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School receive their catechesis during the school day. Children not enrolled in Catholic schools receive their catechesis during religious education classes. However, any child, including SCBCS children are welcome to enroll and attend the program as well.